Welcome to Poppers Aromas' Blog

Do Poppers Make You Horny? 

Ah, poppers—the tiny bottle of liquid mystery that seems to hold the keys to fun, freedom, and a good time...

Poppers For Men

Sold in small bottles, poppers alkyl nitrites and poppers mix) have a reputation as a popular choice for enhancing anal...

Poppers and Lube: A Match for Pleasure

Poppers and lube are two popular products to add spice in the bedroom—or wherever your adventures may take you. ...

Poppers are not for gays only!

Talking about poppers substance, associating this widely used substance with the LGBTQ community is so cliché. How come people think...

Poppers for Bottoms

Let’s focus on what poppers do specifically for bottoms. How they can enhance the experience, and what you should be...

Poppers Safety: A Few Tips

Poppers, a popular liquid recreational substance also called alkyl nitrites, are inhaled for their quick and intense euphoric effects. ...

Our best articles

Sex Routine: How To Shake It Up

Intercourse is fun, especially if you know how to spice it up. Sadly sex routine can easily and quickly set...

Poppers for Bottoms

Let’s focus on what poppers do specifically for bottoms. How they can enhance the experience, and what you should be...

Leather cleaner poppers: why is it mentioned on the bottle?

No matter what the bottle size, “leather cleaner” is written on its label. Is this product really meant to clean...